What are the demographics of Surrey BC? | Surrey population and diversity

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What are the demographics of Surrey? Strap in folks. Welcome to Surrey, the city that’s breaking all the right records. We’ve got a story to tell, and it’s about more than just our stunning landscapes. It’s about the people – and not just any people, but our people.

Who are these people, you ask? Well, in today’s post, we’re going to cover the demographics of Surrey, one of the fastest-growing municipalities in the entire country.

One of our videos from our YouTube channel; The Germyn Group
What are the demographics of Surrey BC? | Surrey population and diversity

My name is Darin, the team leader with the Germyn Group, with Macdonald Realty, a REALTOR in Surrey, British Columbia.

If this is your first time reading our blogs, we are here to educate you on everything there is to know about living in Surrey or White Rock, British Columbia. If you’re looking to make a move in the next 9 days, 90 days or 9 months, shoot us a text, give us a call, or book an in-person zoom meeting with us so we can learn a little bit more about your situation and let you know what we can do to help you. This way, we can make sure your move to Surrey or White Rock is a smooth one

Who Lives in Surrey?

From 2016 to 2021, Surrey’s population jumped from 517,000 to a whopping 568,000 people. That’s like the entire city of Malibu moving in, with a few celebrity mansions to spare. And the crazy thing is, we didn’t stop growing in 2021. In fact, the city of Surrey’s population is estimated to overtake British Columbia’s most populated city, Vancouver, by 2029. Crazy, right?

A photo of a developing Surrey Central neighbourhood, Surrey BC
A development in a North Surrey neighbourhood, which will become one of the hot spots for newcomers to Surrey, BC

Surrey is packed with over 195,000 private residences. That’s a lot of welcome mats, folks. And guess what? Nearly 93% of those are filled with residents who’ve unpacked their dreams and hung their hats to call Surrey home permanently.

With a density of 1,797.9 people per square kilometer, we’re basically a human mosaic sprawled out over 316 square kilometers of opportunity, diversity, and yes, the occasional traffic jam.

How Do People Live in Surrey?

A dramatized photo of a typical Surrey neighbourhood consisting of Condos, Townhomes, and Detached homes
A dramatized photo of a typical Surrey neighbourhood consisting of Condos, Townhomes, and Detached homes

With an average household size of 3 people, it’s cozy enough for quality family time but spacious enough to avoid stepping on each other’s toes most of the time. When it comes to the type of housing stock for these families, we have all types of options spread over our vast landscape – over 30,000 row houses and, for the vertically inclined, nearly 9,000 apartments with five or more stories. Because why not wake up in the clouds?

And let’s not forget over 60,000 single family detached homes as of 2021 and counting. They aren’t just buildings. They’re stages of life where first steps are taken, birthdays are celebrated, and many memories are made.

Family Dynamics in Surrey

Most of our households have 4 seats at the dinner table. That’s 38,430 families who have mastered the art of the family feast. If you’ve got a party of three, you’re in good company with over 36,000 other trios, making enough room for love, laughter, and the occasional sibling rivalry. For those of you rolling deep, 14,945 households are rocking five or more members. Think of the savings on bulk buys alone. Hello, Costco!

A dramatized photo of a family dinner, that you would typically find in Surrey BC
A dramatized photo of a family dinner, that you would typically find in Surrey BC

Surrey doesn’t discriminate against the childless either. With over 65,000 residents citing only two occupants, this city is built not only for family values but also for living without kids in the house.

Age and Diversity in Surrey

Since I know you’ve been itching to know, let’s get into the average age of Surrey residents. If Surrey were a person, they’d be in their prime, with a median age of 38.4 years old– old enough to know but young enough to still do it anyway.

a dramatized photo of a park filled with teenagers playing outside
a dramatized photo of a park filled with teenagers playing outside, that you would typically find in Surrey BC

Our youngsters, a sweet 16.6%, are under 14 years old, and they’re not just playing tag – they’re tagging us into the future. The bulk of our crew is the 15 to 64 gang. They make up about 68.1% of the population. They’re the hustlers, the movers and shakers, the bakers and our latte makers.

Let’s hear it for our seniors. 15.3% of our population is over the age of 65, and they’re not just sitting around. They’re out here starting book clubs, running marathons, and we suspect, secretly running the city.

a dramatized photo of a park filled with seniors hanging outside, that you would typically find in Surrey BC
a dramatized photo of a park filled with seniors hanging outside, that you would typically find in Surrey BC

The Rich Diversity of Surrey

You may also be wondering about the diversity of Surrey residents, and Surrey does not disappoint.

Nearly 50% of Surrey residents are immigrants to the area, with the bulk of them arriving in the last 15 years or so. Surrey hosts people of all creeds and origins, with the largest population of South Asian descent.

a dramatized photo of what a gathering of ethnicities would look like in Surrey BC
a dramatized photo of what a gathering of ethnicities would look like in Surrey BC

Different ethnicities have gathered in various areas of town, yet primarily, you will see a beautiful mix of Chinese, Filipino, Indian, and more.

Interestingly enough, the mother tongue most spoken behind closed doors at home in Surrey is not English or French, the official Canadian languages. Over 270,000 people can be heard speaking languages like Tagalog, Hindi, Mandarin, Korean, and by far the biggest segment of the population, over 128,000 reporting speaking Punjabi as their primary language of choice.


So there you have it – the tale of Surrey’s demographics. We’re a city of laughter, learning, and living, where every statistic tells a story, and every number is a neighbour.

From our sprightly youth to our wise and wonderful elders, from the single studios to the bustling family homes, we’re not just a city – we’re a community tapestry, vibrant and diverse. And the best part? The story is just getting started. Surrey: where every face has a place, and every voice adds to our chorus.

What if I have any questions about moving to Surrey or White Rock, BC?

Selecting an excellent real estate professional is key to a successful home purchase. The Germyn Group, with our deep understanding of White Rock and its real estate dynamics, is committed to guiding you every step of the way.

We invite you to book a consultation with us. During our meeting, we’ll discuss your needs, preferences, and any questions you might have about the Surrey real estate market.

As you embark on this exciting journey, remember that the right home in Surrey is more than just a property; it’s a foundation for your future. With the Germyn Group by your side, let’s make your dream of homeownership in Surrey a beautiful reality.


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