10 Tips for Home Buyers Looking to Enter the Market Now

The market is becoming better for home buyers. This is a good time to make the most of good deals and housing inventory. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or a first-time buyer, there are some essential tips to help you succeed in this competitive market.

In this blog post, I’ll discuss 10 essential tips for prospective buyers looking to enter the market now.

You can also watch the Drinks With Darin YouTube episode on The Truth About Buying A Home in Surrey BC Today to get an inside scoop on the local market.

Here are 10 essential tips for home buyers looking to enter the market now:

1. Keep an eye on the news to stay up-to-date with changes in the market.

To be prepared for buying a home, stay informed with the news. News sources can give you insights on mortgage rates, market demand, and interest rates. Staying informed can help you recognize opportunities to save money and reduce financial risk.

Additionally, news forecasting economic growth can help inform decisions. Knowing what areas are likely to experience growth can be beneficial for buyers looking for good returns.

2. Be aware that multiple offers are becoming increasingly common.

Real estate markets are rising and multiple offers are becoming more common. This means you’ll need to prepare for competition when making an offer. To prepare, know what property you want and how much you’re willing to spend. Research the competition to determine a good offer price. Get pre-approved for a mortgage loan to show sellers your financial seriousness.

Remember that sellers want more than just money – they want exceptional terms and conditions. Provide reasons why your offer should be chosen over others. Also, consider if seller financing is an option to make your offer more competitive.

3. Consider under-listing properties when there is high demand for houses.

In a hot housing market, look for under-listed properties to get more house for your money. Under-listing means the owners priced the property lower than expected. Contact your realtor or search sites for underpriced properties compared to comparable houses. Houses near new construction may also be underpriced.

Research neighbourhoods carefully to assess which areas will likely appreciate. Look for undervalued homes that may become desirable in the future. Weigh potential risks against probable rewards before making an offer.

4. Take note of limited inventory and how it can affect prices.

Limited inventory can affect prices and drive up competition among buyers. With fewer available homes, buyers may face more competition and higher sale prices. Knowing the current market conditions helps buyers plan their budget. This can also aid them in setting realistic expectations.

It is important to keep an eye on the number of homes for sale and how that compares to market demand. As the inventory improves, buyers may find better deals as competition eases. To make sure you get the best deal possible, stay ahead of trends in the housing market. Be prepared to act quickly when a great home comes up for sale!

5. Pay attention to media coverage, as public perception can have a big impact on the market.

Home buyers should pay attention to media coverage. This is because public perception can significantly affect the housing market. News outlets and social media can provide information on the current market conditions and any new laws that could impact buying a home. Changes in consumer confidence, interest rates, and government regulations can also have an impact.

Being aware of these factors and keeping up with developments can help buyers make informed decisions. They can take advantage of opportunities as they arise, too.

6. Research current statistics and trends to make informed decisions about purchasing property.

To make informed decisions about buying property, research current statistics and trends. This means checking recent housing prices, rental return potential, and population changes. Compare neighbourhoods and read buyer ratings to find areas that will provide the best returns over time. Doing thorough research can help you avoid surprises and make educated decisions about where and what type of property to buy.

For instance, you can see below the recent Home Price Index data on the benchmark price change for properties in the Fraser Valley.

Home Price Index data Fraser Valley
Condo Price Index data Fraser Valley
Townhomes Price Index data Fraser Valley

This information can help potential buyers decide whether it’s a good time to buy, sell, or hold off on investing in property in the area.

7. Don’t be afraid to take risks if you feel confident about your investment decision.

Taking risks can be a good thing when investing in a home if you’re confident in your decision. Conduct thorough research and take calculated risks within your comfort zone. Consider potential returns from a property in an area with growing rental rates. This can increase investment returns and save money on your purchase and mortgage rate.

8. Take advantage of low-interest rates while they last.

Low mortgage interest rates make homeownership more affordable and can save buyers thousands of dollars in the long run.

To find out what current mortgage rates are, you’ll need to contact lenders or look online. It’s worth it to shop around, as different lenders may have different interest rate offers.

Keep in mind that mortgages can be difficult to obtain during economic downturns due to tight lending standards. So, if you do find an offer with lower interest rates, it’s important to secure financing quickly before those rates go up.

9. Make sure you have enough money saved up for a down payment and closing costs.

A competitive market means prices are high, and you’ll need a good amount of money upfront to secure a property.

A down payment usually ranges anywhere between 5-20% of the purchase price. This, of course, depends on your credit score, state regulations, your budget and the type of loan you’re seeking. Closing costs will also factor into your expenses. These include title charges, appraisal fees, credit report fees, and taxes.

It’s best to plan ahead here. Try your best to start saving as early as possible so everything is ready when the time comes for you to make an offer on a house.

10. Work with a real estate agent who is knowledgeable about local real estate markets and laws.

Working with a knowledgeable realtor is crucial when navigating the complex and dynamic market. They can guide you through the process and help you narrow your search based on your needs. Moreover, an experienced agent can:

  • provide valuable advice on protecting your interests
  • manage the paperwork associated with closing
  • be aware of any potential opportunities or risks

A good real estate agent can make all the difference in your home buying journey.


Buying a home is an exciting time for anyone, but it can also be a daunting process. With these tips in mind, you can feel confident that you’re making smart decisions and getting the most out of your experience.

For a quick review, below are 10 helpful tips for those who wish to invest in the real estate market right now:

  1. Keep an eye on the news to stay up-to-date with changes in the market.
  2. Be aware that multiple offers are becoming increasingly common.
  3. Consider under-listing properties when there is high demand for houses.
  4. Take note of the lack of inventory and how it can affect prices.
  5. Pay attention to media coverage, as public perception can have a big impact on the market.
  6. Research current statistics and trends to make informed decisions about purchasing property.
  7. Don’t be afraid to take risks if you feel confident about your investment decision.
  8. Take advantage of low-interest rates while they last.
  9. Make sure you have enough money saved up for a down payment and closing costs.
  10. Work with a real estate agent who is knowledgeable about local markets and laws.

If you’re looking to purchase a home in Surrey, BC, and want help from the experts, look no further than The Germyn Group. Our knowledgeable real estate agents are well-versed in local markets and laws. And our team of professionals is committed to finding you the best deal available. Contact us today to get started!


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